After passing through packing process it has to be transferred to cold store for stocking. The transferring process is done by this conveyor. The conveyor layout can be designed according to the customer’s plant blueprint. We at jeya will take ultimate effort to design the conveyor’s routing.
Even conveyors can be designed to transfer packed goods from a building to another building inside a plant. This overhanging conveyor can be insulated to retain chillness of the packed goods. This conveyor can be kept inclined at a maximum inclination of 50 degree.
Labor involvement can be reduced.
Transportation time can be considerably reduced.
Trolley usage can be reduced.
Building to building conveyor will not be a disturbance to vehicles as the conveyor is fixed in elevated position.
Due to Chillness retain facility, Goods can be transported in a safe manner.
Flexible system enables numerous options to transfer goods to individual cold store..